Our Charter

We are all committed to working towards the implementation and development of the following entitlements.


Children and Young People are entitled to:

  • Be valued and respected for who they are, taking into account their background, culture, faith, identity and needs
  • Accurate, up-to-date, useful and age-appropriate information delivered in a way that meets their individual needs
  • A well-planned, well-delivered RSE programme, which is flexible to cater for their changing needs over time
  • Know where and how to access information, support and local services
  • Be informed about confidentiality and how it affects them
  • Have their views and ideas received in a respectful and non-judgemental manner
  • Be involved in developing and evaluating the content, delivery and timing of their RSE programme as appropriate

Adults working with children are entitled to:

  • Access to high quality, up-to-date, accurate information, resources and training
  • Mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities in relation to the planning and delivery of RSE
  • Contribute their views and ideas in support of the development of RSE for their pupils
  • Professional guidance and support
  • A clear understanding of school policy relating to RSE

Parents, carers and other adults in the community are entitled to:

  • Accurate, up-to-date, information about RSE policy delivered in an accessible way
  • A safe learning environment for their children
  • Information on how and when their children are taught RSE
  • Understand their right to withdraw their child from the aspects of the curriculum defined as ‘sex education’ and the process for expressing this right
  • Have their views and needs listened to in a respectful, non-judgemental manner



It is a statutory requirement to have a policy related to Relationships and Sex Education.  Please find our policy here .


Additional Information - Parents / Carers

Staff and parents have co-produced the following leaflet which hopefully explains the curriculum coverage.  Please contact your child's class teacher via the school office should wish to have further information or a discussion about the content.

RSE Leaflet 2021 - 2023