Why does the school require my child to wear a uniform?

We believe a school uniform is important because:

  • A uniform contributes to a sense of belonging to the Kingsfield Primary School community
  • A uniform develops a sense of pride in our school
  • A uniform helps children feel equal to their peers in terms of acceptance
  • A uniform is designed with health and safety of a child in mind

Our uniform is selected to be practical, maintainable and good value for money. We will work with families to ensure your child has the correct uniform.  Please contact the school office if you have difficulty providing the appropriate uniform or PE kit.

Please ensure all items are named and check regularly that your writing/labels can still be read clearly.



As reflected in our Equality Policy, treating people equally does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must nevertheless take account of differences of life-experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barrier and disadvantage which people may  face, in relation to:

  • disability, so that reasonable adjustments are made
  • ethnicity, so that different cultural backgrounds and experiences of prejudice are recognised
  • gender, so that the different needs and experiences of girls and boys, and women and men, are recognised
  • religion, belief or faith background
  • sexual identity

If you require your child to have an alternative uniform to the one listed below for any of these reasons then please contact the school to discuss.


Online Supplier

We use Birds of Dereham as our online provider for school uniform. Parents should use the code KPS20 at the checkout for free delivery to school which should be within ten days of the order being placed. For a small charge, orders can be delivered directly to your home address.

Our supplier has high quality uniform displaying the school logo.  However, you can purchase cheaper alternatives so long as they are in line with the uniform guidelines issued below.


Second Hand Uniform

We are happy for your child to wear new or used clothing in line with the guidelines below. Chatteris Library now stocks used uniform for our school.

Parents are also welcome to help themselves to unclaimed lost property held in the school office.


Uniform Guidelines

Upper body:

  • White or light blue polo shirt
  • Navy sweatshirt with Kingsfield logo or
  • Plain navy sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper
  • No fleeces or hoodies

Lower body:

  • Black or dark grey trousers/short trousers/skirt/pinafore/skirt
  • Skirts should be knee length
  • Blue/white checked dresses for summer
  • Plain blue, black, white or grey socks/tights
  • No leggings or joggers


  • Black flat shoes/sandals/plain black trainers (socks must be worn). 
  • In cases of adverse weather, appropriate boots can be brought to school in a named bag so children can change for play times.
  • No coloured trainers
  • No flip flops

PE kit:

  • Black shorts
  • White shirt
  • Black jogging bottoms and warm jumper (for colder weather).
  • For sports day, a T-shirt in child’s house colour can be worn.
  • Plimsolls (for indoor use) and trainers (for outdoor use).
  • No hoodies

Hair and jewellery:

  • Small stud earrings. Must be removed for PE.
  • Longer hair must be tied back for P.E. but we recommend that it is tied back at all times.
  • No necklaces, bracelets, dangly earrings or other jewellery.
  • No dyed hair.

Reception and nursery pupils:

Nursery pupils can wear practical clothes in uniform colours: blue, white, grey or black.

Reception pupils can wear pull-up trousers/jogging bottoms/leggings for the first term.  Full school uniform to be worn from January.