This is a 'general' day in school.  Lessons will vary depending on the planning for that week and whether there are any special events. 
Total hours provided in a typical week: 32.5. 
As shown below, the compulsory school hours are 8:35am - 3:05pm

7:45am Breakfast Club
8:35am Doors open for registration
8:45am School day starts and registers close. After this time, children arriving will be deemed as late and will need to sign in at the front office
8:45am - 10:30/45am Morning lessons
10:30/45am - 10:45/11.00am Break time (May vary depending on school year)
10:45/11.00am - 12:00pm  Morning lessons continued
12:00pm - 12:45pm Lunch time (May vary depending on school year)
12:45pm - 3:05pm Afternoon lessons
3:05pm Home time
3:05pm - 5:45pm After school club 










Extra-curricular Clubs

At Kingsfield, we offer extra-curricular clubs provided by Premier Sports. These run on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3.15-4.15. These are free of charge and can be booked directly on the Premier Sports website on a first come, first served basis.

Children Not Collected

There is an expectation that children are collected on time. Should there be an issue with collection, parents need to contact the office to alert them. If children are not collected promptly, this could lead to involvement from other external agencies including Social Care.

Please see this protocol that we have adopted from the Local Authority regarding children not collected.