This is national school Census Day. The number of school dinners served on this day is important to us, as our Universal Infant Free School Meals funding (the government initiative that provides school meals for all children in Reception and Years 1 and 2), will be calculated according to this.
We are having a change of menu as shown below and hope that as many children as possible are able to enjoy this lunch. If you would like to send your child in with a packed lunch as well as ordering school dinner on this day this is allowed.
All Key Stage 1 children (Reception - Year 2) are eligible for free school meals.
For Key Stage 2 children (Year 3 - Year 6) a charge of £2.50 is payable through ParentMail.
Pork Sausage Hot Dog
Vegan Sausage Hot Dog
Jacket Potato with Cheese and Beans
Ham or Cheese Sandwich
Baked Beans
Chocolate Iced Cookie
Fresh Fruit Salad