We are delighted to inform you that we have organised an exciting educational visit in school on Monday 25th March and Tuesday 26th March 2024. This event is for all children in Reception – Year 6. The visit will consist of an opportunity for the children to use mathematical skills in an escape room atmosphere.
Years 3 – 6 will take part in ‘Dark Codes’ on Monday 25th March. 3D designed backdrops and authentic props and resources will set the children on an immersive, interactive maths adventure. They must use their maths skills to pass through each challenge zone, undetected by the invading Robotrons, to bring down the secret server room and save us all.
Reception – Year 2 will take part in ‘Saving Mathania!’ on Tuesday 26th March. Prince Lumino has been left in charge of Mathania and he’s in big trouble. He was too lazy to keep the town tidy and now the magical queen is on her way back. He’s going to need some help to sort out the mess before he is turned into stone!