This visit will enable the children to explore a real castle and support all of our learning about castles. During the day, the children will have the opportunity to explore and learn about the features of a castle, scale the heights of the Medieval Wall Walk, follow in the footsteps of prisoners in the Victorian Prison, and discover 1000 years of history – where it happened.
More information on the castle can be found at https://www.lincolncastle.com/.
The children will need to be at school at 8.35am as we will be leaving Furrowfields car park at 9am, please ensure your child arrives at school on time. Would you please collect your child from Furrowfields car park at 4pm. This will give us a longer period of time at the castle.
Your child will require a packed lunch in a backpack clearly marked with their name so that they can carry it with them during the day, a drink in a plastic container (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles) and a warm, waterproof coat as we will be outside for some of the day. School uniform and comfortable shoes please. If you would like your child to have a school packed lunch, please indicate this to your class teacher.
Further details have been sent to parents via ParentMail.