Last weekend, pupils and staff from Kingsfield Primary School took in the Remembrance Service in Chatteris. Arla and Jessica walked in the parade through the town centre alongside many other organisations and lay a wreath at the town's memorial to commemorate the lives of those lost in conflict. Kingsfield has a strong connection with Remembrance Day, with many of those remembered on the town’s memorial being relations of current and former pupils of the school. Thanks go to Arla and Jessica for being such wonderful representatives for Kingsfield on this poignant day.
Today the whole school enjoyed a reflective assembly led by Reverend Wendy and Elaine Green (Church Administrator). The children learned all about the reasons for remembrance on Armistice Day and, later on in the morning, at 11am, they observed 2 minutes silence alongside the rest of the country to remember those service people who have lost their lives in conflict.