Subject Leader within the school is: Mrs. MacNeil
The subject policy can be found here.
At Kingsfield, our PE curriculum is designed to be progressive, developing children’s knowledge, skills, understanding and physical competence. It is our intent that children will build positive attitudes and resilience when involved in physical activities.
Our curriculum covers a broad range of physical activities. The key knowledge and skills of each topic are mapped across each year group. This ensures that children develop their knowledge of games, dance and gymnastics and (from KS2) athletics and outdoor and adventurous activity progressively. The skills in these areas are also therefore developed systematically, building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years.
In addition to P.E. in curriculum time, we strive to provide opportunities for children to access extra-curricular physical activity through a wide range of sporting and active clubs. We also encourage active playtimes through the use of playground leaders. Festivals and competitions ensure all of our children have the opportunity to take part in a range of sports both in and outside of school at a competitive or non-competitive level.
At Kingsfield, children will develop a keen interest in P.E. and a willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson. They will be able to combine physical skills with fluency and apply them consistently to a broad range of physical activities and sports. Our children will understand the importance of leading a healthy and active life style.
Sports Premium
After the 2012 London Olympics, the Government committed funding to every school in order to enhance sports provision and increased competition. Schools have to report on how they have allocated the funding and review the impact that it has had. Therefore, please find our Sports Premium reports below:
Sports Premium Funding Plan for 2022-2023
Sports Premium Funding Review for 2021-2022
Sports Premium Funding Plan for 2021-2022 (using new DfE template)
Sports Premium Funding Review for 2020-21 (using new DfE template)