
Thank you for choosing our school.  We are really proud to be part of the Kingsfield community and we hope that you are too.  During the feedback from Ofsted (2021), the lead inspector told both the senior leadership team and members of the Trust that when asked, our children said the best thing about school is the teachers.  We aim to always work together to ensure children have access to the best possible education.

Please click here to read our welcome letter May 2022. Our welcome presentation will be uploaded at the start of July.  You will also be sent a letter stating the name of your child's class teacher and the sessions they will be invited to attend in September prior to their full time start at school on Monday 5th September 2022.

If you require any of the starter pack to be printed for free, please contact the school office who will happy to support this request.

General Information

Useful links


Specific Information For Early Years (Reception)


There are a number of forms that you will need to complete before your child starts in September.  

Universal Free School Meals

Every child from Reception through to the end of Year 2 is entitled to a 'universal infant free school meal'.  This means that they can have a hot dinner daily for free and is not reliant on parental income.  It is not mandatory but we really do encourage you to take up the offer.  

Pupil Premium

The Government awards each school an additional amount of funding based on the level of children receiving free school meals (FSM).  These differ to the ones above and are linked to a child's individual circumstances.  Please read the following posters from Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA) for more information.  Should you think that your child is eligible for FSM, please contact the school office who will be happy to help with your application.  On most occasions, FSM can be done automatically without the need for an application.  

Free Schools Meal Poster explanation of what FSM stands for


During the Summer Holidays, we would like to ask parents to support their children in completing a scrap book.  This will be explained in more detail at the Open Evening and Open Afternoon on Tuesday 14th June 2022.


This is the online learning journal that we use to show children's progress throughout the year.  It is also something that parents can add to.  Due to the nature of the content, we only allow access to parents of the cohort and upon receipt of the permissions form listed above.

Tooth Brushing

We have achieved the My Smile award for the work undertaken to develop children's dental health.  As part of this programme, children learn how to clean their teeth and then do so daily in school.

For more information please see the following advice pages:

My Smile Parent Leaflet 2022

Brushing At Home - Tips 2022

School Readiness

It's really important that children are ready to start Reception.  We understand that some children may have additional needs but for the vast majority of children we would expect them to be able to complete the following independently: